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"Every (un)happy pregnant woman is (un)happy in her own way"
 Yvonne Kuipers (2016)
Pregnancy is a distinct period in a woman’s life but it cannot be separated from her past and present circumstances and experiences, her life-style, her emotions and opinions, and her hopes and expectations for the future. Although pregnancy is primarily thought of as a physiological process - its intrusive, life-altering aspects together with the social, physical, and emotional changes, and challenges associated with becoming a mother - mark it as a psychological and social process as well. It is no surprise that women’s emotional wellbeing is affected during pregnancy, and that these effects are more profound for some women.

When a woman views pregnancy and the context of her life as manageable, comprehensible and meaningful, she is more likely to view her pregnancy as coherent.

The tool WazzUp Mama helps to understand emotional vulnerability during pregnancy, identifies stressors during pregnancy and the strengths a woman has in handling stressors while being pregnant.
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